Pair #3: "The Toothbrush Song"

Original Post Date: May 3, 2010
Runtime: 2:20
Genre: Children's
Compilation Album: Skinny Jeans 

Prompt Summary: write a song that inspires someone to brush their teeth, with a tempo and rhythm that is good for tooth-brushing

This late-STWPT entry is another personal favorite of mine, on account of its utility. Sometimes, I use a manual toothbrush, and timing out two minutes can be hard. Luckily, this song is almost exactly two minutes long,* and boy! is it catchy.

One of the most wholesome of Andrew's songs, "The Toothbrush Song" is a full-throttle celebration of that basic act of personal hygiene, brushing one's teeth. It's even got some great pointers, like using circular motions. The driving beat is great for manual brush-users to scrub along with.

Go ahead: put this song on while you next brush your teeth. It'll make the whole experience so much more fun. I dare you to try not to dance while you're brushing.


*The extra 20 seconds are random. He couldn't resist making it weird, I guess! The song itself is exactly two minutes long, though, give or take a second.

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